Monday, February 27, 2012

5 things about me

5 things about me

1.       I love the gentle ‘sploosh’ the water makes when a stone is dropped from a great height into its murky depths. Disturbing the silten bottom and causing plumes of brown silken dross to cloud the clear and cool waters.

2.       When I see animals they are not static. My response is to give them voices and animate their stilted state. They have life and story and journey as we do hidden desires and complex in their being.

3.       I get lost sat in café’s on my own. I revel in nothing more than sitting back and staring at the world over the rim of my coffee cup. The gentle bubbling foam, aroma of roasted dreams and quiet chatter of life all around. You can tell so much about a person whilst observing them from your Costa sofa.

4.       All babies bring love. They melt even the hardest heart and I wish I was still one of them. Discovering the world for the first time. Intense fascination over a spoon and the bulbous distorted reflection it contains. My secret wish is to be 3 months old again.

5.       Ah the elusive fifth. My indecision causes me to falter here. I could talk of my soul’s deepest love. The desires of my heart, or I may choose the frivolous things that bring a wry smile to my lips.
But instead, I choose this. To me all life is a mystery. We are not doomed to a predictable life with mundane repetition; no these are just the literary tools designed by God to take us from chapter 1 to 5; the passage of time, the boring bits between Elizabeth meeting Darcy at the ball and her consequential encounter by the lake.
This adventure we embark upon before we are even born will never end. We simply move from one revelation to the next.

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